Protecting your investment is important, but you also need to protect the investor! That means making sure that you're covered in the event that anything might happen to change your current situation. Events like vehicle write-off, loss of work, or bodily harm can you leave you or your family in a difficult financial position. Don't let that happen to you! Consider these financial protection options and have the peace of mind you need to be confident in your investment!
GAP stands for Guaranteed Asset Protection.
In today's world, it's no secret that your vehicle will start to depreciate the moment you drive it off the lot. Unfortunately, this decline will usually be faster than the decline of the balance you owe on your loan. In the event of an Accident, Theft, or Fire, your insurance company will payout fair market value to you, which is often thousands less than what you owe. This would leave you with a remaining financial liability on a vehicle that no longer exists. GAP Protection will cover this balance for you, including your insurance deductible up to $1000. The best part? When you purchase your replacement at Lange & Fetter, you will receive a $500 Loyal Customer Credit for sticking with us!
Does this cover previous negative equity that was rolled into my loan?
Yes! It covers the entire outstanding balance, no matter what it was made up of.
How much will GAP insurance cover?
It will cover an outstanding balance of up to $50,000.
If I need to put in a claim, how would I go about it?
If you need to submit a claim, it is clearly a stressful time for you. Give us a call and we are more than happy to help!
People normally insure their two biggest assets: their home and their vehicle! The benefit of financing with Lange & Fetter is that we can offer you the two important protection plans.
Pays off the balance of your vehicle loan obligation in the event of your death.
Leaves your family with the asset of the vehicle versus the liability of the debt.
Maintains the value of your other insurance policies.
Affordable peace of mind.
Makes your vehicle loan payment for you if you are unable to work.
Benefits will continue until you are able to return to work or the loan is paid off.
Pays in addition to workplace or private plans.
Affordable peace of mind.