Advocate Program

At Lange & Fetter, your trust is our number one priority.

Because of you, we’ve had the joy of building many new relationships!

Giving back is always on our mind.

We want to show our appreciation for the support that we continue to receive.

This program was created to show you that we appreciate your endorsements.

Next time someone is considering a new vehicle, send them to us! When they purchase, we will put $100 in your pocket.

Who knows, maybe we’ll also throw in some Lange & Fetter swag!


Checkmark IconA successful referral is one that results in a vehicle sale
Checkmark IconPrevious customers cannot be referrals
Checkmark IconSomeone who is already part of the Advocate Program cannot be a referral
Checkmark IconDocument must be presented to count as referral

Refer a Friend

We protect your personal information (privacy | terms)

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or send us a message

Give us a call at (613) 392-6561 or click here to send us a message!

52 Dundas St E, Trenton, ON K8V 1K7